26 April, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

This is the first in a new seminar series featuring MQ staff presenting their experiences and approaches to undertaking SoTL. The format will be a half hour presentation followed by a half hour workshop.

Sponsored by the Teaching & Leadership Community of Practice and open to all interested MQ staff.

Presenter: Associate Professor Agnes Bosanquet

Topic: Researching HE research – a study that celebrates 40 years of feminist research in Higher Education Research & Development

This presentation will draw on the experience of analysing 40 years’ of articles published by HERD (Higher Education Research & Development) which led to the publication of this article: Tracing the feminist contribution of HERD over 40 years. Register below and we’ll send you the Zoom link.

About this research:

  • Showcases HERD’s 40 years history of publishing in higher education
  • Provides an insight into historical L&T scholarship at Macquarie
  • Demonstrates a feminist theoretical framework for analysing scholarship
  • Highlights an approach to researching higher education where ethics approval or research participants are not required

The presenter:

Agnes Bosanquet is Director, Learning & Teaching Staff Development (PVC – Learning & Teaching). As a higher education researcher, her focus is qualitative research in critical university studies and changing academic roles and identities. She blogs as The Slow Academic.

Register to attend and you’ll be sent the Zoom link.



Bookings are closed for this event.

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)